A way to keep track of AI and Human Players?

So I’ve made a game in the style of bomberman and mario party type games. Multiple players and AI bots I made that play each round. The problem is I have no idea how to keep track of who ‘won’ the last game or keeping scores. How can I keep track of all the different actor types and their scores so the game knows who won the most ‘rounds’ in my game? I’ve seen lots of tutorials covering multiplayer only and all the solutions depend on things that only a human player controller can provide and not an ai controller :confused:
All suggestions are welcome but, I am a noob so any pictures you can provide with your answer will help greatly.

I would recommend making a Actor which keeps track of all the players/AI. Using an interface you can update this actor and then on your end game you can read from this actor. You can also save these variables to an text file so you can safely reload the level.

Thank you for taking the time to answer :slight_smile:
So I should make a totally new Actor that holds all the score related variables for all the ‘players’. How can this new actor differentiate between the 4 actors that spawn to know which represent which in terms of ‘player 1-4’? These actors are spawned by the level blueprint and are usually from one of two classes of actor ( a player character, and a ai character) , depending on how many ‘bots’ you choose to play with and how many human players their are spawns how many of each are in the game (if any of that makes any difference). I’ve not yet used the blueprint Interface before because I’m still learning how to do all this.

Edit: I’ve got everything working except a way for the game to know who is who… How can I label each character upon spawn so that the game can recognise ‘player 3 has won this round, I should increase Player 3s score by 1’…

Sorry for the late response, but for your last bit of the question, you can either a use tag or a string/int variable which is exposed on spawn.