Hidden Objects Game (How To Make A Hint)

I’m currently making a hidden objects game. I’ve got quite a few levels made so far. After having a few people test it out I am told some objects are just WAY too hard to find. I would like to make a hint feature to help them out. My hidden objects are blueprints that have a mesh, collision and OnClicked Event. The OnClicked event destroys the object, adds 1 to your score, and removes it’s name from the screen. I have about 10 Hidden objects in each level of which all are their own individual blueprint, and I am having a hard time even starting to code a hint script. I cant visualize in my mind how to tell a blueprint/UMG Button BIND or any clickable blueprint I make to randomly pick one of my 10 hidden objects and do something like play a particle effect on it. I have an isdestroyed? Boolean I use for other parts of the script so maybe I can use it somehow. The only thing I know to do of right now is have the hint button play a particle at a specific location or on a specific actor or all of them and even if I had the hint play a particle on all of the hidden objects I may run into problems once I only have 5 objects left and it tries to play a particle on an already destroyed actor in the game. I have not tried out those 2 hint types yet because they are not ideal at all. If anyone has any help, suggestions or “hints” please let me know.

Thank You
