Collision not working while playing animation


My character has a collision component as part of his capsule component, but some animations would require the player to stretch out of that capsule to execute the animation. How can other actors detect the character’s exact collision during animation?? I was thinking about an overlap event, but I wanted to ask whether there was an easier approach.

if you want to detect animation level collision

you need to do traces that are component traces, tracing not the capsule, but the mesh component

and the mesh components of the characters must be set to have physics collision.

#More info and Video

I have more info and a video proving animation-level collision here



PS: you also need a physics asset for your character skel meshes

The link doesn’t work for me, would you mind explaining in more detail? (To give a rough idea of the problem I’m encountering,I have a character with a capsule component for collision, but during animation he holds his sword and arms to the right to prepare for a swing. Problem is they go outside the capsule and thus pass through walls and other players, making it possible to attack directly through shields, which I don’t want.) The sword itself is a component attached to the character, and it also has a collision box, but it still phases through everything during animation.