How to parse target location to unspawned actor?


I’d like to know how i can get the location of a target in my level (an actor) inside of the blueprint of an enemy character which is not part of the level. The enemies get spawned from a spawn point. And as soon as they spawn i want them to move to a certain location. But i can’t seem to find how i can tell them this location. I can’t acces or cast to the target from within the enemy blueprint. How can i achieve this?

How are you spawning the player? Normally you would use the nodes GetPlayerController and GetControlledPawn within the enemy blueprint to get the actor controlled by the player.

I hope this person isn’t still having this issue as it is 2 years old! haha But for future onlookers you can also create a vector variable on the enemy and expose it on spawn. So wherever the enemy is spawned you will be able to feed in a vector location to travel to. Within the enemy blueprint you would script what to do with that information of course.