Problems with Stereo Panoramic Movie Capture

I am attempting to get a stereo panoramic video of a scripted sequence in my project by following the tutorial found here. However, when I run the game with the plugin, while the console does autocomplete the SP.OutputDir and SP.PanoramicScreenshot commands, they do not appear to do anything, and no image is created. I have tried both commands while running in Play In Editor, and in a standalone packaged build of the project.

Can anyone help me figure out why these aren’t working? Thanks!

Check your output log - if you see ‘instanced stereo not supported’ then you must disable it. This is done in Projects Settings → Rendering-> VR.

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the plugin only whitelists win64–what platform are you using?

I think you have to have the movie playing when you execute the SP.PanoramicScreenShot command. Try hitting the play button in the top menu bar and then execute SP.PanoramicScreenShot while the movie is playing. I believe you can execute SP.OutputDir at any time even if the movie isn’t playing. It’s working for me right now.