Bug with compile blueprint

Hello, I noticed a small “problem” in UE 4.12.4 (it exists in 4.12.3 aswell). I made a video so it’s easier to understand.

Click here to see the video.

It happens with other nodes aswell, like if I use Key Equal x, even without a branch or calling anything, this problem appears.


I’ve attempted to reproduce your issue, but have been unable to do so.

  • Are you experiencing this in a clean project?
  • Could you please provide your DxDiag?

Hello. I tried it with a clean project, it doesn’t happen there. Maybe something wrong with the specific project. For now I can switch to another Event Graph and I can compile it just fine. This appears only on the “Item Events” Graph which you can see in the video. My DxDiag: dxdiag

As this is not occurring in a clean project, and seems to be resolved if you use another Event Graph, I am going to mark this topic as resolved for tracking purposes. I have been unable to reproduce the issue on my end either. If you do come across a consistent repro case for this issue, please feel free to share and reopen this thread so that we can continue investigating.

Have a great day