No Up/down movement while walking (3rd Person)

Okay, so I’m working on a 3rd-person view character that can switch between walking and flying modes, and I have most of it working. The only issue I have is that in walking mode, it seems to be unable to move up or down effectively. It can jump just high enough to get the character animation for jumping to play, and when falling off a ledge, it hovers in place, only having gone down far enough to act as if it had taken a step down. (and it can step back up onto the platform.)

I’ve tried looking around here, but what I’ve found hasn’t been working. (For example, setting physics on my character’s collision capsule causes the character to be unresponsive to movement controls, and some of the other suggestions haven’t had any effect either.)

What I have for the character’s blueprint is something like this. Maybe someone with some more experience can show me what I’m doing wrong or is incompatible with my plans.

Actually, I’ve found the problem now. The issue is at the branch that switches between walking and flying: There should be something that allows it to go into a falling movement mode, and there wasn’t, instead forcing it into walking mode. Adding a branch the route where the character would not be in flying state determining whether he’s falling or not did the trick.