Seqence in Behavior Tree doesn`t run

HI guys,

i got a new problem.

Im on the way to implement simple behavior for my AI Characters but i got some problems with the selectors of my behavior tree.

To get some first skills at the work with behavior trees i`ve seen the 1st 3 tutorials of the “create AI in UE” sereies on youtube.

And now I want to ad some tasks and servisces I need.

The 1st I want to implement is that the behaviortree check that the caracter is on work and if it is true then the behaviortree have to stop all tasks

To Realice that i create an selector with a BT_SService that check the character is working ![alt text][1]or not (at work check graph screenshot)
if the character selected he is at work=do nothing
if the character not selected start the bts_visioncheck (Its the same as the tutorial

in the BTS_AtWork service i implement a PrintString note to check the result of the ==actor an dits works (Printstringresult Screenshot)

But it won’t make a difference.

You got anny Idea whats the Problem?

yesterday I have tested a little and find out that it makes no differences whether in the selector with the bts_VisionCheck is a Blackboard Based Condition or not .

It all works as long as the selector with the BTS_AtWork is not connected.
If BTS_VisionCheck depends directly on the RootNode everething is fine.

I hope this helps narrow the error.

I try some things to narrow what trigger the error

And i find out

the BlackboardBasedCondition (BBC) in the following selecter gets the right information from the service above.

The BBC realice that the condition is true and displays “PASS” but in the service below there is no reaction

if i add a task instead of the bts_Visioncheck its works fine is it posible that a Service cannot fire another service?

I dot know why but it works now without any changes…