Stop main menu background music when the game starts

How exactly are you handling the start of your game? Are you loading a new level?

I have a main menu background music playing at event begin play.
But when I hit the play button in my main menu and the game starts the music keeps playing…
I tried fixing that and searching for an answer but I only found 1 and it didn’t really help me.
Please help.

You can make a reference to the AudioComponent that is playing the music in your level blueprint and then call Stop on it when you play.

No I don’t

You’ll need to tell the music to stop then when you press play.

Any ideas how to do that?

If you load into a new level, the audio should stop by itself.

Else, in your blueprints make your audio component a variable. When you hit play, just use the Stop node for audio.

Could you please post some screenshots, I don’t know why I’m having so much problems with it :confused:

Very simplified, and only deals with audio. You’ll need to add/adjust it to make it fit into your menu.

Works ! Thank you.

I’m not able to figure out how you referenced the menu music by itself for the stop command. Would you be able to explain what to search for or how I would reference the audio clip alone as you have?

You should search Audio Component and select REFERENCE.