How to i start and stop AmbientSound Actors with Sequencer?

For my project i make use of HRTF positional audio, So in order to get the positional audio playing from a specific direction i have to make use of “AmbientSound” actors. As the built in audio tracks dont seem to offer a location to emit the audio from.

Though to coordinate a “ingame cutscene” i want to start and stop certain of these audio fragments right from the sequencer.

Is this possible?

You should be able to attach audio to actors that Sequencer controls. Add an actor to Sequencer and set its position. Then, with the actor selected, drag a sound asset into the Sequencer window. That should attach the sound asset to the selected actor. The audio track will appear below that actor like this and you should be able to adjust and trim it as usual:

This is possible yes, however no attenuation (and thus spatialisation) settings seem to be accessible with this method:

You can specify attenuation settings in Sound Wave.
Keep in mind, this doesn`t work in 4.16 but work in 4.14 & 4.17