Bug (4.12): Failed Import for Spline Component


It is possible to create a very simple blueprint which creates an Import Failed error upon loading a level (via the Editor) which contains an instance of this blueprint.

Steps to reproduce:

1 - Create the file “Kangaroo.cpp” with the following content:

#include "MYPROJECT.h"
#include "Kangaroo.h"
#include "Runtime/Engine/Classes/Components/SplineComponent.h"

AKangaroo::AKangaroo(const FObjectInitializer& ObjectInitializer)
    : Super(ObjectInitializer)
    PrimaryActorTick.bCanEverTick = true;
    if (this->Role != ROLE_Authority) {  return; }
    SplineComponent = CreateDefaultSubobject<USplineComponent>(TEXT("Path Cycle"));
    check(SplineComponent != nullptr);

2- Create “Kangaroo.h” with the following content:

#pragma once
#include "MYPROJECT.h"
#include "Kangaroo.generated.h"

class USplineComponent;

UCLASS(Config = Game)
class ROKH_API AKangaroo : public AActor
    USplineComponent* SplineComponent;

3- Compile and launch the Editor.

4- Derive a blueprint from the actor Kangaroo.

5- Drop this blueprint into the current level to instantiate it.

6- Save the level, exit the Editor and restart it on that level.

7- Notice that the OutputLog window now boasts this error message:

LoadErrors:Error: Error /Game/Maps/GameTesting : Failed import for SplineComponent /Game/Developers/LaurentG/Kangaroo_BP.Default__Kangaroo_BP_C:Path Cycle



I’ve been able to reproduce your issue, and have entered a bug report, UE-32800. Thank you for your report.

Have a great day

Thanks for that Sean.
I am eagerly looking forward to the fix. :wink:

Is there any way to have access to that bug report and be informed of when it is fixed? I see no URL pointing to it in your anwer.

Currently, we have no way for the public to track bug reports. We provide the bug number solely for reference purposes. With that being said, I’ll be sure to come back and provide updates as they become available.

Hi Sean, I have the same problem with USceneComponent and UStaticMeshComponent, but only on one pc . Do you have any ETA about UE-32800


You can track the status of this issue here: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-32800)

Have a great day

Hi Sean, I found that -run=resavepackages will fix all “Failed import for” errors.