Why won't my level open when i click start game?

When i click start game on my button it doesn’t start my game it freezes then reloads the main menu, in my Main Menu blueprint for the button I have the coding when clicked load level. I have heaps of level and tried all of them but it wont open any of them by the way this is for a school project

well if it freezes that means he is loading something. maybe you should add a node to hide your menu, the level may be loading behind and you don t see it. (us a set visibility node)

Yes! Thank you i fixed it, i got rid of the (On clicked load level) command and put a set visibility command in and then connected to variables plus the images i used to hidden, easy fix but took me like 5 hours xD

great news ! it ll get faster once you ll learn how the whole things works !
dodn t forget to mark the thread as answered !