How to modify a lot of bones in character?


I have same skeleton for adult characters and for young characters. Adult skeleton is base skeleton and young skeleton is adult skeleton with smaller bones sizes. Ie, if I will represent it in BVH, it will be look like:

ROOT hip
	OFFSET 0.000000 105.864700 -0.295657
	CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
	JOINT pelvis
		OFFSET 0.000000 1.874496 1.818264
		CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
		JOINT lThigh
			OFFSET 8.516808 -9.748535 -1.405728


ROOT hip
	OFFSET 0.000255 85.069168 -0.469312
	CHANNELS 6 Xposition Yposition Zposition Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
	JOINT pelvis
		OFFSET 0.002478 1.405304 1.416667
		CHANNELS 3 Zrotation Xrotation Yrotation
		JOINT lThigh
			OFFSET 7.267799 -7.365349 -0.647685

Skeleton has about 150 bones. I need to transform adult skeleton to young at runtime.
Now I see one possible way - to change each bone of skeleton in Animation Blueprint with Transform(Modify) Bone.
But it will take a lot of time - to script each skeletons and each bone of different skeletons with Transform(Modify) Bone.

Is it possible to change it programmatically? I have array with data of how to scale each of bone. But how to use this array (data) in AnimGraphs and how to pass bone name to Transform(Modify) Bone on each iteration of array processing?

Thank you! :heart:

I personally would just scale the entire actor rather than trying to scale each bone, if you are only modifying bone scales :slight_smile:


Hello, Rama!

I can’t do that, because skeleton of the Young char has different sizes of, for example, bones of hands, legs, than in Adult skeleton.