How to get a hit force on a player character

So, I made a simple active ragdoll and I am able to activate it manualy with keyboard input. But what I realy want is, to make it so the character detects any force, that’s been applied to it when something hits it and then it would activate ragdoll physics.

I have a big spinning object in my scene. It rotates using blueprints (sweep enabled) and it has multiple convex meshes for collision (imported from Blender) It uses default collision complexity.

The player is just a simple character blueprint. I don’t know how i should set up all the collision settings for capsule or the spinning mesh, so that might be the problem.

I tryed using “On component hit” event with capsule, but it didn’t quite work. It didn’t detect when the spinner hit the character rigt away, but when I tryed to walk out, it sometimes fired repeatetly.

Also, when The spinner hits the character, it’s kinda just stuck there and spinns around with it until I walk out. I can fix that by setting “Can character step up on” to “No”, but then it can’t stand on top of the spinner, which is something I would like to have.

If you have any suggestions, please help.