Can you light a large room using a single light source?

I am trying to light up a large room. Spotlight and Point Light only light up a small bit, even after increasing the attunement and intensity. Directional only lights up the outside unless there’s a window or open roof. Is there a way to use directional and use it for inside structures instead of outside?

Directional lights won’t work on an interior scene (except through windows, doorways, etc.) You can take advantage of global illumination (GI) to get more room filling light bounces if you’re able to make your point or spotlights “stationary” or “static” and then “baking” your lighting using Lightmass. This will also give you much more photo-realistic lighting. If you don’t know how to do that just let us know.

And don’t be afraid to add extra fill lights to your scene to fake the exact lighting your eye expects to see - especially if they are set to static or stationary which has almost no performance cost.

You can tweak your singular point light to light up a larger area by doing this:

  1. Place a point light in the center of the room, or wherever you want it to be
  2. In the Light tab, set the intensity to 1
  3. Extend the Light tab, and untick ‘Use Inverse Squared’
  4. Lower the Light Falloff to ~2
  5. Increase the Min Roughness to above 0.5 (This gives a nice look to the lighting with these settings)
  6. Now you can just play with the attenuation(and intensity by degrees of 0.1) to fill the room with light as you see fit

Here’s an example of one of my lights


I do not know how to do that

Here’s a very brief recipe for getting started with Global Illumination and baked lighting but I highly recommend you explore the links to documentation I’ve provided at the end for a more complete approach.

Set your point light to either “Static” or “Stationary”. Note how shadows in the scene are very stark.

In the Editor window, set the lighting build quality to “High” (“Build > Lighting Quality > High”).

Click the “Build” button or just choose “Build > Build Lighting Only”.

Note that the scene is now lit with appropriate bounce lighting. Shadows will be more natural looking and the overall scene will likely be brighter (unless you have a lot of dark objects in your scene that the light is bouncing off of)

You can tweak the amount of bounce lighting in your scene by changing the “Indirect Lighting Intensity” value of the light itself and then building the lighting again.


Here is a quick start guide on lighting:

Here is the documentation on Global Illumination and Lightmass:

Many more lighting topics are covered in the documentation. Here’s a nice list of the topics:

Hope this is helpful!

thank you very much

Just play with the source radious and source lenght. If you set the radious to 1, it will just simulate a linear path. To make just a single line of light. Of course this is not going to be realistic and you will have more light in the center than the sides, but you will have the entire room illuminated. Of course, this is not possible to do with a directional light (for obvoius reasons).