HTML5 game crashes


I’ve packaged a HTML5 game just now and when I try to run it the browser throws an error at me that I can’t really make too much sense of. My best guess is that it’s a compiler error and that something is wrong with one or more of the blueprints. But other than that I’m not too sure what the error message is trying to tell me.

Screenshots of error message:



Thanks in advance for any answers.

the two stack snapshots you have are most likely the following:

  • the 1st one - a raw stack dump
  • the 2nd one shows the translated “machine code” (raw dump) to a “human readable” version

the stack shows it crashed in run time – meaning compiling has finished and is now running the game

the stack also seems to indicate that your slate object isn’t functioning properly – did you try building a native client so you can attach a debugger? (you could also build an android version – which is a little closer to the HTML5 platform than the desktops)…