GetLocalizationTargetByName never returns game targets


The Localization Dashboard allows custom localization targets for the game. The engine has 7 presets (Engine, Editor, EditorTutorials, PropertyNames, ToolTips, Keywords, Category) which are part of the EngineTargetSet (as a ULocalizationSettings object).

The GetLocalizationTargetByName method in FLocalizationModule will never return a named GameTargetSet due to the logic in LocalizationModule.cpp.


Hey RHoath-

I entered bug report UE-32961 to review the intended functionality of the GetLocalizationTargetByName function. If you are using a source version of the engine, I believe you can implement a workaround by changing references of EngineTargetSet in the else statement to GameTargetSet. This includes the call to GetEngineTargetSet being changed to GetGameTargetSet.



I’m not finding this bug report number on the new issue tracker - Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-32961)

Is it a public issue?

The bug had not been marked for view. I have updated the internal bug so that it will show on the public tracker now.