The Skeleton hands_lo_Skeleton, is missing bones that SkeletalMesh echo_lo_L needs. They will be added now. Please save the Skeleton!

Hi everyone,

I have no idea why but for a couple of minutes I’m getting spam with this error message in the editor:

The Skeleton hands_lo_Skeleton, is missing bones that SkeletalMesh echo_lo_L needs. They will be added now. Please save the Skeleton!

And it’s totally blocking the usage of the editor. I tried to manually save every assets in the folder of theses files but nothing changed.

What should I do ?


I’m sure it’s temporary but for now I fixed it copying the LeapMotion plugin folder from one computer to another :D.
However, whenever I try to open a LeapMotion asset I have

The preview mesh hierarchy doesn’t match with Skeleton anymore. Would you like to regenerate skeleton?

If I click on Yes, the previous message starts to spam. So for now I just hit “No” but the preview is obviously broken.

I’m having the same problem when trying to figure out how to get the world location of my leap hands - I was messing around trying to use the get socket location function in blueprints

Just have solved the problem, but dont know why.
Open the echo_lo_L and echo_lo_R at LeapMotionContent/Character/Echo, popup the message:
The preview mesh hierarchy doesn’t match with Skeleton anymore. Would you like to regenerate skeleton?
Click Yes, and save the two, then open hands_lo_Skeleton, same message popup, click yes and save, if one file can’t save, use File->Save All or ctrl+s. Then, never touch these assets again, it will works fine.

man you saved me this continuous pop up errors just had me frustrated