Media Player not Working on Packaged Project in 4.12.5

Using UE 4.12.5 from the launcher, I can import a movie and make a texture and a soundwave from it. I can place an actor using the texture and soundwave and play the movie from the level blueprint’s begin play. It works fine in editor. In a packaged game it does not work at all. No video, no sound.

The movie may take some time to load. Try hooking into the OnMediaOpened event and call Play from there.

Why was this marked resolved? This is not resolved. OnMediaOpened event never fires at all.

use the event tick to fire that off. it should work now

use the event tick instead. i have just tried it. it should work now.

No, this is not a good solution. It will call Play every frame.

You need to bind the OnMediaOpened event in EventBeginPlay. If the media doesn’t open, then check the log file.

thanks, ur method works as well

Hi, I’m having this same problem, but my animated material is playing on UMG. It may sound dumb, how could I get a reference to Media so I can bind this event? (my UMG has an image, and that image has a brush with the animated material, on Editor it works fine, but not on standalone nor package).

This (Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-28011)) is marked as fixed, but if I follow exactly the steps described the material is completely black. Running on 4.12.5 from Launcher. Thanks in advance

Create a BP variable of type MediaPlayer and assign the media player asset to its Default Value. Then you can drag & drop the variable into your Blueprint and call Get to get a reference to the media player.

I have the same problem, but your solution doesn’t work for me. I even tried to add the OnMediaOpened BP to event tick, and I still get a black screen with no video playing when I launch the project on iOS.
Can somone help me out?