2D Top Down Player Not Looking at Mouse Location When Moving

I’ve used various methods for making a 2D top down player look at the mouse cursor location. Below you can see the current setup I have.

When I first start the game the player rotates and looks at the mouse cursor location just fine, but when i start to move around it starts to turn and look the direction it is moving and refuses to look at the cursor location. I’ve been trying to solve this for about 2 hours and can’t seem to find a solution.

Just for clarification. I’m using a PaperCharacter Pawn. The camera is orthographic and is attached to a spring arm that is looking straight down at the player. The spring arm also does not inherit any rotation so the player can rotate without rotating the camera. Also all the movement appears to be working fine.

Here’s a video just to help people have better understanding of my problem:

Alright so here it is. I believe my MoveForward and MoveRight should be similar to your WalkUp and WalkRight. Basically with the movement you don’t want the control rotation to set the vectors for movement. Instead just set them yourself as shown in the second picture and you should be good to go in that regard. Then for the rotation I use a hit result for under the cursor to get the location for the find look at target node. Then I set actor rotation equal to the yaw value as shown in the first picture. For whatever reason, using just Get Actor Location for Self can cause problems, so I’ve found it best to use the Owning Pawn. Also below is my axis mappings for your reference.

As far as the spring arm goes, make sure all the Inherits are unchecked and don’t check Use Pawn Control Rotation. In the Self part don’t check Use Control Rotation Yaw on. And for the character movement I uncheck Orient Rotation to Movement. That should be everything. I hope that helps!

Hey I can help you out. I’m currently developing a game where we have a top down view so I think I can help you with the movement and rotation. Give me a sec and I’ll upload my blueprints for you to reference

Here’s a video if you’d like to see how I did it step by step.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Also on a side note using ConvertMouseLocationToWorldSpace works just as well as a Hit Result for me.