Where is bLit in Cascade?

According to the documentation

In the LODSettings in Cascade (found under the LOD properties, which you can see when all modules and emitters are deselected), there is a flag for each separate LOD called bLit.

Elements in the LODSettings array seem to be empty items.

I think you are referring to the old lighting flag from UE3 which would enable particle lighting per emitter?? This is handled in the material now, so the usage flag in Cascade has been deprecated.

Just use a lit material and you are good to go.

Can you point me to the page in documentation which references this so we can get that fixed up?

Thank you!

This is the page:

I started digging because I do not get lighting on my sprite/mesh particles at all. They use an opaque lit material yet they show up as full bright.


The page and the reference to bLit still exist. Thx to update it :slight_smile:

I’m having the same exact issue and bLit was like the solution but now I’m lost as particles with translucent DefaultLit materials aren’t getting any lighting from the scene.