Import Exported BPs

Is it still impossible to import BluePrints that have a parent C++ class to another project?

There is a ‘Export’-function for assets, that can export BPs as text. Changing the parent class to the new class in the *.COPY file is easily possible. But how to import it to the new project?


Migrating from C++ Project to C++ Project

If you are migrating content from a C++ project to another C++ project, you will not have any custom items such as functions and variables that were compiled in the C++. For that you will need to use Visual Studio and copy/paste the corresponding C++ code from one project to the other and 'Build' again. 

Migrating from C++ Project to Blueprint Project

If you are migrating content from a C++ project to another Blueprint project, you will not have any custom items such as functions and variables that were compiled in the C++. You will need to create new Blueprint functions to mimic those created in C++.

Thanks for your answer, but how to migrate the C++ code wasn’t my question. I already migrated all c++ code and the new project compiles just fine. What I wanne do is to migrate all BluePrints that have a C++ parent to the new project, using the new classes.

Thanks anyways!

Have you tried to migrate blueprints using the migration?

yes, sure… import says it had worked, but when i try to open the bp in the new project, computer says:
‘Widget Blueprint could not be loaded because it derives from an invalid class.
Check to make sure the parent class for this blueprint hasn’t been removed!’

which does not really surprise me.