Separating player's camera and player's "ear" - how ?

When making top down games / RTSs and sometimes TPS games, it’s preferable to have player’s “ear” at about the same plane as enemies / world sound sources and by default player’s “ear” is where camera is (which could be very high up above the gameplay plane in some cases)

Is it possible to setup player’s character in a way that player’s “ear” is separated from camera ?


You can attach the audio listener to the player’s pawn using SetAudioListenerOverride

So I just execute that node on begin play and target player controller with it (and set new location in the node) ? Or do I need something/anything else ?


You can call them anywhere and anytime in the game, but if you want the “ear” to be attached as soon as the game starts, then yes, add it in begin play of the player controller.