Change scale of chaperone bounds with SteamVR

ok here is my issue. In my vr game you can increase the scale of the player by pressing a button which checks the size of the bounds and makes you scale up to the size where your play area is the same size of the level.

unfortunately once you do this the chaperone bounds stay the same size so you have this tiny little chaperone box that is still the relative size of before you increased play scale so from your perspective its like a blue box squished against your vision that is minuscule in size ,but so close you are still inside of it. it weird and hard to describe ,but either way i was wondering if there is a way to scale the bounds up?.

i would give screenshots ,but you cant screenshot the chaperone bounds to my knowledge.

Instead of scaling up the Player (camera) have you tried changing the camera height and then scaling an offset for the motion controllers for giant mode, to fake what you’re trying to achieve?

Either way, you can screenshot the chaperone bounds using Display Mirror through SteamVR:
