Using a second camera for mixed reality

Hi Guys,

Does anyone know how to set up a ‘spectating’ camera to film a vr character in game? I need this for a mixed reality video i have to make.

I tried setting the view target of a second pawn to a camera actor in the scene, but this destroys my VR camera, as the view target sets the target for the player controller of both characters. If i just add a second pawn, i can’t find a way to disable the hmd rotation.

I hope someone has a tip!

To disable the HMD rotation, go to the camera component into ur second pawn and select it, then in the Details tab uncheck the “Lock to HMD” option. (if u dont have a camera component into ur pawn, just select the camera actor and do the same thing)
How did u achieve to have two pawns and without the VR view not crashing? Did u posses the second pawn?

I unchecked Lock to HMD, but this didn’t seem to work. The camera still followed the HMD. My VR view did not crash with two pawns in the scene, the only thing i did was set the game to be two player. This you can do in the editor preferences under ‘Play’.

So, both cameras follows the HMD?

That’s correct, i could not get one of them to stay still. In the end i went with just recording the vr view

I’ve run into the multiplayer issue as well- seems like it would be something simple but I’m not sure what.