I can´t open any editor, materials, meshes, blueprints... all fail

My version 4.12.5 editors have begun to fail for no apparent reason, this morning everything worked correctly and now fails.

Other versions work correctly.

I have not had a Windows update or I installed anything new.

I checked and reinstalled completely unreal engine and continues to fail, publishers are hung as I show in the image.

My version of Windows is Windows 10, please help …


  • Does this occur in any project, or only in a particular project?
  • Could you please provide your dxdiag?

Thanks Sean for your response,

All projects, including new projects fail.

And here is my dxdiag file…link text

Try doing Window->Reset Layout and let me know if that helps.

Also, ensure that the blueprint windows aren’t collapsed, as sometimes you can accidentally scale it down to just the toolbar and it’ll make it hard to identify against the viewport background.

Uffff… wooooorks, i didnt know this feature.

I’m really grateful for your help, you are the best :wink: