False warning alarm in log from SpawnActor

In BP project where everything work OK in log window rise following warning:
“LogSpawn:Warning: SpawnActor failed because no class was specified”


I have a few questions for you that will help narrow down what issue it is that you are experiencing.

Quick questions:

  1. Can you reproduce this issue in a clean project?
  2. If so, could you provide a detailed list of steps to reproduce this issue on our end?
  3. Can you provide screen shots of any blueprints that may be involved?

Clean project doesn’t contain that warning. My BPs are many, big and complicated, can’t use screenshot here.
I use several times SpawnActor node but without any error!
My project is absolute correct and work perfect: without any warnings or errors before BP compilation and during play mode except this false warning.


Have you recently upgraded your project to a newer engine version? If so, did the warning occur before the upgrade?

Hi, I didn’t recently upgraded (using 4.11 from at least 1 month). Before that I haven’t check for this type of errors in outlog window
This warning rise most time when start (in game) some UMG UI gadget

Could you try double clicking the warning that is given in the Compiling Results tab? This will take you to the node that is giving the warning. After this could you take a screen shot and provide it so that I could take a closer look?

In Compilling Results tab I havn’t got any warnings or errors. I have warnings in Outlog window. I clicked many times on them but nothing happens!

Could you provide your logs so that I could take a closer look?

Check 10087 line for that error (I just upgrated to UE 4.12.5): LogSpawn:Warning: SpawnActor failed because no class was specified


After looking through you logs I found the errors:

“ERROR : Unable to create broadphase entity because only 32768 shapes are supported”

“ERROR : A PxAggregate has exceeded the limit of 128 PxShapes. Not all shapes of the aggregate will be added to the broapdhase”

If you clear out these errors, do you still get the warning that you are seeing at the end of the log? It appears that you have reached a cap on “broadphase entities”.


I don’t know that are these errors (and how to resole them). But everything is working fine

Do you have a blueprint that is creating more than 32,000 items that are named broadphase? If so, could you try limiting this number to see if this helps clear up the errors?

I do not have blueprint or items named broadphase.


I did a bit more digging and I found that this is a known issue. I have provide a link to the public tracker. Please feel free to visit the provided thread for future updates.

Link: Unreal Engine Issues and Bug Tracker (UE-17589)

Make it a great day