Why is my texture getting this strange artifacting?


Recently started using UE4, being not too experienced with UDK, I’m still learning. Anyway, I’ve been having this issue with this particular mesh and I’m not sure why. When I build the lighting in the level, all these artifacts show up on the mesh, no matter what material I am using on it.

Before light building:

After light build:

Any help is really appreciated!

You can see a repeating pattern in the artifacts. That combined with the fact that they only show up after a lighting build seems to indicate that your lightmap UVs are overlapping. Making sure the object is completely uniquely mapped will probably solve this for you.

The Lightmaps are not overlapping. They were generated in engine. The texture UVs are overlapping though, but I don’t see how that would cause a problem here.

Did you also adjust the lightmap coordinate index?
When you import with only one UV set, it will set the lightmap coordinate index to that set (UV0). If you then generate lightmaps UVs in UV1 the engine will still use UV0 until you manually adjust the lightmap coordinate index back to 1.

Had no idea about that. This has resolved it. Thanks!