Crosshair not centered in Gear VR

Hi everybody, I made a HUD blueprint to draw a crosshair in center of the screen using the same elements in First Person Example. But for some reason, the Crosshair doesn’t look centered in the screen as I show you in the Picture when I play the game in Gear VR. I tested the FirstPerson Example with the same blueprint and it worked perfect, but in my project no.

What am I doing wrong? Please Help,


this should work technically speaking :c had to trial and error the numbers at the end

In character BP add a widget and parent to camera center out 0,0,0, then associate your widget cross hair to this widget and then move out from camera at a good distance for you, you might have to disable depth on it and use custom depth to avoid clipping. But centering a 2D widget cross hair in 3D space, this approach has been the one I have used… I have not looked into the above answer to see if it works.

I’m having the same issues guys. The global menu progress bar was working fine for me in UE4.10 but now I’ve moved to 4.13 and it’s knackered the same way yours is. Which version are you using?

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Many thanks,
