Attaching skeletal mesh after adding animation

Hey just notice this weird bug I get when I set animation then add a skeletal mesh and attach it. The skeletal mesh transformation is wrong but by just adding a small delay even a zero seconds delay some how corrects the transformation .

Hey TheH0EY,

Can I ask why you’re leaving your Rotation Rule as “Keep World”? Usually when snapping objects into a skeletal mesh hands, you’d orient the socket so that the object snaps in just the right orientation when using “Snap To Target”.

It was something to do with the model I was using, whenever I used “snap to target” the bar also rotated it to a funny angle.

Hey TheH0EY,

Were you using sockets or attaching straight to bones? Bones don’t always have the orientation you’re looking for and you may need to use a socket. Let me know if that helps.

When you use “Keep World”, it will spawn in the dumbell in it’s default orientation and attach it to the bone at that angle.

I haven’t been able to reproduce this issue with and without the delay. My assets are always at strange orientations if I don’t use SnapToTarget.