How can I tell a dropped item to ignore player acceleration and collision?

Hello, I have an item that the player drops, it spawns at player location on input. Currently the item adopts all of the players acceleration when it is spawned, so if the player is jumping off a ledge, the item will be hurled forward. How can I make it so the item simply spawns from the players location with no acceleration?

The item (physics object) is also colliding with the player pawn. Where can I tell the item to only collide with the world and not with the player?

Thanks for any help!

How are you handling the spawning of the item? It may be better to get the players location and store it in a variable, then allow the item to spawn itself at that location independently - that should completely ignore any of the players momentum and just spawn at that location as if normal.

As for the collision - you need to deal with that in the blueprints components. Go to the components section of the blueprint and select the mesh component from the left hand list. Then scroll down in the details panel and look for collision - there should be a drop down box. If you change that to IgnoreOnlyPawn it should do exactly that.

Hope that helps!

Hey skus, thanks for quick reply, your first tip worked great, I was getting actor transform as the spawn transform, once i changed that to just use the actor location, it spawns it at the location and seems to ignore acceleration.

I tried IgnoreOnlyPawn but when I use that, the object falls through the world? I had it previously set to PhysicsActor

Ahh I apologise. I was just guessing that IgnoreOnlyPawn would ignore nothing but the Pawn - maybe it’s bugged who knows.

For now, anyway, I’d suggest using custom collision for the mesh. When you select “Custom” from the drop down you’ll get a host of choices.

Depending on if you need overlap events to fire from the player with this object, your setup can be similar to this:


Change it to suit your needs of course, all of the channels are fairly self explanatory!

That’s the one! Didn’t even notice the dropdown for Collision Presets. I guess it’s not a bug, if you look at IgnoreOnlyPawn, it is set to not have collision by default! But customizing it and turning collision and physics back on worked perfectly! Thank you sir!
