Unable to set up save game mechanics.


Ive been working on a game which ive made by following Unreal’s video tutorial series on how to make an endless runner. All of that has gone fine.

Now i’ve tried to take that one step further by adding save mechanics. This is something ive not worked with before.
The endless runner tutorial had me set me an integer value to count the players total coins within the player blueprint. However i want to be able to save the number of coins so the player can accumulate them. The problem comes when the save game tutorials tell me timo put the variable i wish to save in a seperate save game blueprint. I apprar to be unable to bridge the gap between the coin integer i have set up in the third person blueprint and saving that integer in the save game blueprint. Please help?

blueprints only or with c++?

hi goldstrum.
did you tried this method?

to identify your problem we need to see your code or blueprints.
please add a little bit more info so we can help !
thanks !