How can I calculate vectors for a Spread Shot on 2d SideScroller?

Hey DreamBotStudios,

If you figure out the Forward Vector you would fire in, as in to fight to the right side of the screen, you can then take that same vector and feed it into the Rotate Vector function which will let you quickly get, for example, the new vector if you rotate X by -45 degrees (or 45 degrees). You can then use the new vector to generate the velocity in which to fire another projectile. Here’s a sample node setup for Rotate Vector:

Hope that helps!


I can spawn a projectile based on my mouse position, but I am wondering how could I do this with a spreadshot (like Contra, old NEW game). Where the Player is facing right… and when firing gun… there are 3 projectiles, one goes angle to the top right of screen, then middle shot, then the last angled toward bottom right of screen.

How would I be able to spawn 3 projectiles, each at different angles?

Thank you

Much appreciated, Thank you!