UE4.12 crashes with japanese

I updated my UE4.11.2 to 4.12.5.
So I faced a problem .
New engine 100% crashes when saving Umap after edit component’s property like location,rotation,mass,text.
I tried to resolve it.

First I found; this crash occurs After writing digit directly with keyboard.
Using Slider, gizmo in viewport or paste won’t cause the crash.
Second ; Editing Inherited component cause this.
Component added to instance doesn’t.

Then I finally found the cause; Microsoft IME to write Japanese text.
I’m Japanese. so I use this.
But I thought This might cause the error.
I switched my pc’s default language to English.
UE4.12 got not to crash. the issue resolved.

I don’t know but other language may cause this.
Fix it Epic.

Hi 0000,

As of yet I have been unable to reproduce this on my end.

  • What steps can I take to reproduce this on my end?
  • Does this occur in a clean, blank project with no additional content or is it limited to one project?
  • Are you using a QWERTY keyboard or another keyboard specifically for Japanese?

I use a QWERTY keyboard for Japanese.

Please do this.
Create a project with FPS starter ,
Edit roll of FirstPersonCamera any degrees in FirstPersonCharacterInstance with Microsoft IME for Japanese ,
Save FirstPersonExampleMap

or create a Actor BP class ,
add Cube component in BP editor,
place that on level,
edit roll of CubeComponent(inherited) with Microsoft IME,
Save FirstPersonExampleMap

Skeletalmesh or rootcomponent doesn’t cause this error.
StaticMesh,TextRender,Camera,Collision cause this.

The same Digit or Alphabet with different input method will be different data.
Until UE4.11, no trouble with that.

I also just tried and I did get the same error. I am using google Japanese IME.

However, I only got the error when I wrote いち and then hit spacebar to change it into 1。


This is the code that causes the crash.

The actor is a BP actor with a sphere component attached to a cube component attached to the default scene root. If I bind the action to a key it only crashes when I hit that key.

I hope this helps.

I just tried converting [1  1] into the coded representations commonly used by using [this tool][2]. There might be a hint here.

I have not been able to reproduce this on my end thus far using the Microsoft IME. Do you have any additional steps that I can take to reproduce this on my end?

Strange. Physical problem ?

NoobsDeSroobs reproduced this with Google IME.
I tested.
I created a blank project and BPActorClass,added CubeComponent,
place that on the level ,set Cube(inherited)'s roll 45 using Google Japanese IME. Crashed.
I input degrees directly. didn’t translate Japanese into Arabic numerals.

maybe not needed but
I use Lenovo laptop for Japanese,intel Core i5,HDgraphics4000,Windows10,

Just to make sure I am fully following. When you attempted to rotate the actor, you enter 四儒 into one of the rotation values, it crashes. If you enter 40 into the rotation value, you do not see the same crash.

When I attempted this on my end, I entered いち into the Yaw value, but did not experience any crashes. Nor did I experience an error when entering 1.

What version of the engine are you using? I am using the standard 4.12.5 from the launcher and I am using Windows 10, EVGA GTX 1080 Founders edition, i7-6700k CPU.

Have you tried half-width and whole-width characters? Japanese has two 1’s. 1 Half 1 Whole

Currently I am using the HIragana selection, I’m assuming you are using the Full Width/Half Width with Alphanumeric then? If not, which of these input modes are you currently utilizing?



This is the selection I am using. Just “Hiragana”. However, if you write ichi and start changing it you sometimes get two 1s with these symbols next to it: 半/全
Those symbols are, as you might know, half and full width, respectively.

Would it help if I sent the project or uasset to you? Just tell me how to send it.

I never use Full-width numeric and 漢数字 like 四十(40).
I use always DirectInput when input Alphabet or number.
However, It doesn’t cause the error with your ends…

Hi everyone,

After some digging, we found that there is a bug report already in our system, UE-31442, and that this is specific to Win 10 with IME. I am happy to report that the error has been fixed internally and should be implemented in 4.13.

I’m glad to hear that.