How to make side scroller character run around loops (like sonic)

i am new to blue prints and i am looking for a way to do this so i can learn the BP editor better. i have googled and cant find anything solid and useful

Do you having anything now?
I’m not positive, but I believe simply making the charcater you are possessing go fast enough, it will move along the loop on it’s own.
If that is the case, I would make the loop its own BP, and set up a couple of trigger volumes along that loop that tells the game if your character should be running on the front, or the back portions of the loop.

I’ve wondered about this myself, so I hope someone provides the correct solution.

so far i’m working on a spline to get around the loop, do you mean turn off physics before the loop?

I don’t think that’s necessary.
working on a racing game, without adjusting the built in physics much, if at all really, the cars were able to drive completely vertically up walls IF they were going fast enough. so maybe make a test and see if the character is going really fast- like 2-5 times your normal speed- and see if you can now make it further along the loop.

thanks! i tested my loop in the vehicle and rolling templates and success! i’ll tear those game bps apart and find out what makes the tick! thanks very much :slight_smile:

Anytime. and if you figure out what does “make them tick” post the answer up, just in case anyone else has the same question. Like I said, i know they work… I’m just not really sure why and i’ve always been curious.