Where is "UniformBuffers/Material.usf" located?

Where is #include “UniformBuffers/Material.usf” referenced?
Trying to setup an unreal asset previewer tool in Maya and I am stuck on trying to locate where this include is located.

Hello, Lspleeless and i were simply trying to open up unreal 4 materials inside of maya for faster world building. Such things as building custom walls and vertex painting inside of maya, while using our custom scripts and such for faster iteration. We would like to assign the unreal material to a mesh inside of maya and get a rough preview of what it will look like, such as all the material functions we are using and vertex paint stuff together to get a better idea of what things will look like before we import the mesh back into unreal.

Yes, maya has a plugin that allows for the creation of materials with hlsl. I saw that in the editor it is possible to copy out the hlsl code for materials. I have setup the hlsl to correctly reference the includes for other usf locaded in the engines shader directory but I have not been able to locate “UniformBuffers/Material.usf”. The shaders fail to build without the include.

Well theres a couple of issues here.

1/ The UniformBuffers/Material.usf is dynamically created during compilation of the shader, so you will not find the actual file anywhere. It contains the uniform buffer declaration for the material, containing the parameters required for that material. Any include starting with UniformBuffers/ is dynamically created.

2/ Unless maya is already deferred using a Metallic/Roughness PBR workflow, the HLSL shader u get from the material will not work, as this is just the material editor portion of it, its missing the actual entry points for the vertex/pixel shaders, and the Vertex Factory portion. You would need to write ur own entry points to work in relation to Maya. So this would mean writing ur own PBR shaders for use inside Maya, with the ability to just append the UE4 portion into it. This would require a significant amount of work.