What's the difference in the pins on OnComponentBeginOverlap?

In this picture the beginoverlap would fire but the Equals(object) would not match with Vive Controller R to equal true. But when I changed it to ‘Other Comp’ it did return as true. What is the difference between Overlapped Component and Other Component? Regardless of which pin I choose the component causes the BeginOverlap to execute so shouldn’t it have still been considered an Overlapped Component?

Let’s say you have two actors: A and B.
You setup OnComponentBeginOverlap event in BP of A actor.

OverlappedComponent is a component of A actor that overlapped with B actor.

OtherActor is a B actor.

OtherComponent is a component of B actor that overlapped with A actor.

@Down: yw :stuck_out_tongue:


Perfect, thank you!