question about post process effect in showdown VR

I have a question about showdown project. One of my friends told me that migrating all object to showdownVR might affect a better performance. Just to test out the results, I migrated all of the objects. However, some post process effect such as DOF,and Occlusion was not working properly. I am curious if some options were altered in the engine or if it was altered in the programming. Please help me to figure this out :slight_smile:
Thank you.

Hi Desaicx,

I’ve not personally looked but since this was originally meant as a demo for learning purposes with a very specific goal there is likely some config files that have been altered to have specific values set. I would start with comparing these to the default editor projects.

It’s never a good idea to just migrate assets to start your project this way. There may be specifically set up things for a reason that you’re not aware that can affect your performance or quality since it was designed with a very specific purpose.

You can always delete these config files and let the engine generate new default ones if you’re unsure when looking at them.
