Couldn't find ../../VC/bin/x86_amd64/vcvarsx86_amd64.bat; skipping

Try to opern project.
Soures UE 4.10
VS 2013 (VS 11.0 VS 12.0)
I try to resolve problem like in this question

not working

In case someone stumbles over this:
For me it helped to rebuild the engine. (UE 4.15)
Others mentioned setting the right environment path would help, which didn’t in my case.

Hi, to someone who is encounter the same issue. In my case, just run the

  1. Setup.bat
  2. GenerateProjectFiles.bat
  3. build UE4 engine again

can resolve the problem. No need to re-install visual studio or full rebuild the whole engine. Hope this will help. :slight_smile: