Drawing/animating a spline using Blueprints

Currently i’m trying to create a somewhat flexible hose between two moving parts of a robotarm.
For this i want to use 2 arrow components to specify the start and end points and the tangent at which they should start out. (These arrows are parented to the moving parts of the robot arm) Also the “length/strength” of the tangent is determined by the scale of the arrow. (Basically mimicking the “Hose” primitve in 3dsMax)

However when i try to create a system capable of his in Blueprints my spline doesnt get updated properly or fails to curve smoothly. When looking for documentation in the official UE4 docs i found no page explaining how to use the “Spline” component at all (besides one for programming reference).
All the spline content examples don’t seem to demonstrate what i try to achieve either.

This is what i want the spline to do.

After i set up a proper curve i can just read out the spline the information and transfer it onto a splinemesh

Is there a proper way to achieve this using blueprints?

Hi MissStabby,

Spline points can be moved during runtime but not ‘animated’. They will jump from location to location by essentially teleporting…

I suggest using a skeletal mesh with a physics asset. It would probably be the most performant solution and should give you the exact results you are looking for.

If you would rather use something wholly inside of the editor, you could also try using a Cable component if you like.
