How do I send a PM to someone on AnswerHub?

is a question about how to use AnswerHub lol

I was asked by a member of Epic Staff to PM a link to my project so I could get some help with it.

I can’t find where or how to send a PM.

I tried clicking on that person’s (avatar and name) and both take me to their profile. Therein lies no PM option. I tried clicking on all the other buttons I could find in there and none of them contained a PM option.

Thanks in advance for any help on getting an answer to a question about answerhub!

You can’t send PMs via Answer Hub.

You have to send a PM via the Forums.
Since users are shared across hub and forums, those that exist in the forums also exist in answer hub,

  • Go to the forums and in the upper right click Advanced Search.
  • Scroll down to User Name and input the name of the user you want to PM
    (“Exact Name” is checked, so it’s case sensitive. Typing “john” when looking for “John” won’t get the user you’re looking for)
  • Click “Search Now” at the bottom-right of the pane.