Remote iOS packaging failing with exitcode 5

Hello, I am having trouble to compile codes for IOS using remote build. It was successful when I tried it about month ago and now I can’t even build blank c++ project with 4.12.5 version. There is always compilation error near end of process.

I tried to do clean reinstall and compile of both Windows and Mac engines, 3 times… Still not working and I have no idea what is the issue…

error: AutomationToolLauncher exiting with ExitCode=5

(both Installations are in root/C UE4 folder with permissions set, certificates and provisions are matching = colored green)

Here is the log: File Dropper - Online file sharing

Thank you

Do you have your remote build set up in the project settings? Sometimes they don’t save, or they’ll not be saved when a hotfix is implemented.

Hello , thank you for quick response. As you can see, i have working connection to mac machine and compilation works good until it reaches almost end. I am testing this in newly created blank cpp and newly compiled engines for both mac and windows, so updates should not matter.

Have you tried deleting your Intermediate and Saved folders from your project file, rebuilding your project and trying to package again?

If that does not work, try the following in MS-DOS

 rmdir /S /Q Binaries
 rmdir /S /Q Build
 rmdir /S /Q Intermediate
 rmdir /S /Q Saved
 rem BlankC.uproject

Please upload new logs once you’ve gotten further. If you’re unsure about the script in MS-DOS, feel free to create a copy of your project before moving forward.

Thank you!

I did it all but same error. It could not help because I posted that previous log right after first launch of new editor and new project.

But here is new log:

Works after updating XCode to latest version (7.3).

That’s ridiculous because I had to use old version of XCode to build engine (can’t find Answer Hub question about that issue now) and new version to build the project. Who knows, maybe 4.12.5 would build even engine with new XCode.