How to find a path with dynamic obstacle in NavMesh

As the following pic shows, a Character want to move from Point A to Point B, but there’re three other Characters are obstructing between A and B, how to find a path between Point A and Point B?


Even I set Project Settings → Navigation Mesh → Runtime Generation to Dynamic, but it doesn’t work.

When visualize the Nav Mesh at runtime, the three Characters of obstructing did not modify Nav Mesh.

一般来说如果你在level中放置了Nav Mesh Bound Volume,然后在behavior tree中告诉AI要移动到b点他就会自己找到路的。 在放置了volume以后摁P看看B点绿了么 绿了就能走到那 否则就不行


多谢你的回答。你说的是静态情况下build Mav Mesh吧,我说的是障碍物动态移动时,如何寻路。