Cast to player not working

hi there!
in order to help we need a little bit more info. can you share screenshot to see what s happening here?( error logs, blueprints …)


I am currently using an OnEventBeginOverlap on a physics-enabled Blueprint that overlaps pawns. I would like to cast to a blueprint called ‘Player’, but it does not work. I can only cast to Character.
Please help, I’ve gone really far into this project and it’s really frustrating how such an event just doesn’t work!

Thanks in advance

Does player inherit from Character?

You can only cast objects to other objects within the same hierarchy for example Actor → Character → MyCharacter.

Hope this helps!

Hello! I’m testing this through a simple debugging method, using a physics simulated crate, I put an event on begin overlap, then cast to character through a multicast event after a switch has authority, then a print string to display whether it’s detected or not

Hi! Thanks for the quick reply, how do you check which blueprint inherits what?

My apologies, appears there was nothing wrong, but a small execution bug in my blueprint! Sorry :stuck_out_tongue: