umg buttons animation set initial frame?


I made an UMG for the main menu that contains some buttons. Those buttons have a variety of animation, such as opacity and movement.
For some reason when I start the level the animation is already at the end, as if something is calling it. The animation must be played only when the buttons are clicked instead.
This is my level blueprint:

This is my animation frames:

And this is the event graph for the UMG blueprint:

I’ve been bumping my head on a wall for a couple of days now to try to figure this out.
Any help appreciated, thank you very much!

Just figure out! The issue was that I was assigning the values for the animation (ex: opacity of zero) in the details panels, then hitting the “add keyframe” …
For some sign of the universe I tried to do the other way around, by first creating the keyframe in the animation editor, than changing the values within, not using at all the details panel.

uush, this took me 3 days to figure out… although this may be obvious for some, it would be very helpful it was more explicit in the help tutorials.


I just wanna say you saved my bacon. Thanks!