Crash in persona debug display

Hi all,

We’ve noticed a crash in the 4.12.4 (easily reproducible in a brand new project like the 3rd person template).

open the animation blueprint and in the animation tabs select “show” > “uncompressed animation”.

Thanks in advance !



It looks like this was an oversight that didn’t get caught when we elected to null-out the UObject pointers in the FAnimInstanceProxy for 4.12.

To address it, in UDebugSkelMeshComponent::GenSpaceBases() before PerformAnimationEvaluation(), a call to a new function in the UAnimPreviewInstance will need to call through to FAnimInstanceProxy::InitializeObjects() and then after PerformAnimationEvaluation() call through to FAnimInstanceProxy::ClearObjects().

I’ve added an issue (UE-32715) to get it addressed on our side.

It works like a charm !

thanks for the quick answer Thomas.

