Spawned actor not assigning name?

I am spawning a “APhysicsConstraintActor” just fine. It spawns in with the name PhysicsConstraintActor-1, even though I am explicitly assigning it a custom name through the spawn params in the function call.

APhysicsConstraintActor* ATheCharacter::SpawnPhysicsConstraint()
	FVector		CameraLoc;
	FRotator	CameraRot;
	FVector		pos;
	FVector		offset;
	GetActorEyesViewPoint(CameraLoc, CameraRot);

	offset.Set(150.0f, 150.0f, 150.0f);
	pos = CameraLoc + (CameraRot.Vector() * offset);

	FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParams;
	SpawnParams.Owner = this;
	SpawnParams.Instigator = Instigator;
	SpawnParams.Name = "myConstraint";

	APhysicsConstraintActor* myConstraint = (APhysicsConstraintActor*)GetWorld()->SpawnActor(APhysicsConstraintActor::StaticClass(), &CameraLoc, &CameraRot, SpawnParams);

	return myConstraint;

Any ideas as to why it’s assigning it a default name, instead of the actual custom name I am attempting to assign it to?

Thanks guys!

Did you ever find out what was going wrong? I have the same issue