Rolling Ball(Torque) In A Straight Line (Side Scroller)?

I understand rolling the ball reviewing the Starter Content, but I am curious how to lock the torque of the ball in one straight line in a side scroller template?

Any help would be appreciated, I believe I would lock the X axis, and move the Y axis (-1 to move right). But it doesn’t keep it straight. Is there a clamp that is used or some other method?


Yes, that helps… Do you know how to add Torque to push the ball (which is not a player character) in blueprint?
I know how to do it as character controls, but having issue as a non character, do I add torque, forces, etc…


We are actually about to add this as a feature. You’ll be able to lock rotation per axis. Does that help?

You should be able to use AddTorque which is a node available on any primitive component, so pretty much all components that are rendered and have physics representation.