(Layered) Blend per bone : how does it work?


I was looking today inside the documentation about the Blend per bone node inside a Vim Instance and I’m a little confused because what I get on my side doesn’t look like at all what the documentation is showing.

Documentation ( [here][1] ) :


My vim :


From where can I found the missing inputs ? I tried to use the right-click > add blend pin, but this doesn’t work as the compiled blueprint seems to ignore my input.

Is the node working differently now ? If yes, how ?

Did you check the properties for the node? That was written before animation nodes changed a little. I think not all pins show by default, but you can toggle them in the properties I believe. Try that and see if helps. I don’t have access to the editor to check right now.

Thanks. I already did a quick check in the properties but with your advice I took a look again. I managed to get it worked with the following :

  • Create a new blend pin first
  • Go in the properties and unroll the Layer Setup > 0 > Branch Filters
  • Add a new element and refer the bone name from where you want to blend