How to start the game at the location of the character placed in a level without a player start

In the third person c++ template project, I noticed that there is a network player start and a character blueprint.

  1. If I delete the character blueprint , the game starts at the network player start.
  2. If I delete the network player start and the character blueprint, the game starts at the location of the camera inside the editor
  3. If I delete the network player start , the game starts at the character blueprint
  4. If I place 2 character blueprints (same blueprint character), I start from the last placed character location

So I noticed that even without a player start, the game starts from where ever the character blueprint was placed in the level.

But when I do it in a blank c++ project, and delete the player start and place a character blueprint inside the game, the game just spawns from the camera location inside the view port and not from the location of where I placed the character blueprint.

I cannot find out how to do this.

I’ve set this in my game mode

        static ConstructorHelpers::FClassFinder<APawn> PlayerPawnBPClass(TEXT("/Game/Character/Blueprints/MyCharacter_BP"));
	if (PlayerPawnBPClass.Class != NULL)
		DefaultPawnClass = PlayerPawnBPClass.Class;

So my question is

  1. How is the game starting at the character blueprint location in the third person c++ template ?
  2. How can I achieve the same in a blank c++ project without a player start ?

I found out that you have to go to the character blueprint and under pawn set these options

auto possess player - player 0
auto possess AI - placed in the world

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Yessss!! Thankssss!! I did!!